“Skin Clearing & Anti Aging Serum for face, wrinkles, acne & blemished skin with Vitamin C Serum 20%, Retinol 2.5%, Salicylic Acid 2%, Hyaluronic Acid, Rosehip and Lavender Oil” Radha Beauty

The actual product is a milky white shade and is very thin and watery in texture. As you can see above the packaging is a pump dispenser so there is no need to worry about contamination or ingredients going bad.
About the Brand and Ingredients:
Radha Beauty is a natural skin care brand meaning it does not contain fillers, fragrances, dyes, or parabens. The products are organic, cruelty-free, and made with 100% natural/pure oils.
The serum contains powerful ingredients such as Vitamin C, Retinol, Salicylic Acid, Niacinamide, and Hyaluronic Acid. Hyaluronic Acid helps add hydration to the skin. Niacinamide is a form of vitamin B (B3) that helps with inflammation in the skin. Salicylic Acid is attracted to oil helping breakouts and unclogging pores. Retinol helps with anti-aging, increasing cell turn-over, smoothing skin, and helps with unclogging pores. Vitamin C is great for anti-aging, brightening, and epidermal (outer most layer of skin) acne scars. The serum also contains tea tree, rose hip oil, olive oil, and lavender oil.
When I received this serum I was super excited. I love Vitamin C, Salicylic acid, and Hyaluronic acid! On the first day I applied it at night after washing my face (I don’t recommend using Retinol in the sun). When I woke up the next day my pimples had gone down significantly and my skin was smoother. I don’t break out that often but when I do (along my jawline) they tend to stay for a while. Immediately I was impressed. I’ve been using the serum for about a week now. So far my skin feel smoother, the amount of blackheads I had have gone down, my pores look tighter, and my bigger pimples have gone away.
I have a few cons that aren’t really deal breakers. This product contains Olive oil. The olive oil (and possibly the other oils) are making my skin very oil. Luckily because of the Retinol I’m only using it at night so it’s not that big of an issue. The use of Retinol is making around my nose quite flakey. I think it might be making my skin a tad dehydrated, so all I’ve done is switch my toner from witch hazel to my hydrating Glossier Soothing Face Mist. My last con is it doesn’t absorb super fast. After application I have to wait about 5-10 mins before applying my moisturizer. It remains tacky (as most serums do) for a bit longer than my other ones. Again that’s not a huge con, just a pet peeve!
Overall it’s quite a good product. It’s a good price has great ingredients. I’ve only been using it a week so I have yet to see any scars fading but I will keep you guys updated!
- How many stars? 3 out of 5
- Who would you recommend this product for? acne prone skin.
- Price? varies (on Amazon)
- Last Comments? Radha Beauty is all natural products. I’ve you’re looking for organic skin care products this might be the brand for you! The serum is quite nice and I have seen my skin improve in texture very fast.
Have you tried anything from Radha Beauty? Thoughts?
These product was sent to me for review. My opinions/thoughts are completely honest! ♡
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